Knock Out the Lie of Perfectionism

Can I be a tad vulnerable for a minute? If there is anything I can take away from this past week of my life it’s that, I am too hard on me. I take others perceptions of how I should do things and blow them out of proportion with my perfection tendencies. I share this…

Can I Forgive Judas?

People who have felt betrayed and “church hurt” are very near and dear to my heart because we have counseled with many who have experienced it on some level or another. I have also been hurt on the ministry end and congregation end. I’ve learned alot, I’ve cried alot of tears for others as well…

Cast it Aside

They were so religious they couldn’t see a move of God right before their faces. Modern day Pharasees and Sadducees. They have a head knowledge but their hearts are empty. Like wood without fire; they crucified him thinking they were doing God a service. They always tried to catch Him in His words, not even…

Power in Obedience

I treasure my time with Jesus, some may think it’s silly or weird to pray. But, I’ve come to say that I’ve been transformed; I was once a self-counscience, shy, introverted young woman who suffered deeply from postpartum depression after the loss of a baby and after each of my other three pregnancies. My world…

Pastor’s Wife

Hi, I’m a Pastor’s wife and I sometimes struggle introducing myself to new people because I’m shy. There have been times when people mistake my shyness as being “stuck up” when they really don’t know me at all. Sometimes I’m afraid I will wear the “wrong” outfit, and someone will say something demeaning even though…

Push back in the name of Jesus

Dear precious Child of God, Do you really think the devil is going to let you off easy? Do you really think those over obsessive, anxious filled, depression ridden thoughts are just going to stop? Do you really think that fear is going to subside without a fight? Do you really think those sleepless nights…

Peace in Perilous Times

How do you obtain peace in perilous times? You fight for it, because of our human nature we all become sad, or even a tinge depressed during certain seasons of life, especially now. But, just like my baby strawberry plants in the picture we must surround ourselves with the right environment. We need proper nutrition…

Take Comfort In Jesus

Singing this morning, “Jesus…  Jesus… Jesus, there’s just something about that name, Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain…” He took all my sorrows, all my pain, all my anxiety, all my sadness, all my sin and unlocked a secret door in my heart and walked right in. He can do that for…

The Scarlet Cord

A couple weeks ago my wonderful husband asked if I had a red ribbon lying around. We were talking about Exodus 12 and the story of Rahab the harlot. In looking closer at the story he came up with a very creative idea. I thought I would share this with you precious people. This is…

Revelation of Love

I was approached recently by someone to share one of the major and most recent testimonies in my life. This has only been shared by word of mouth to very few people. It was a powerful and unforgettable encounter and I have a burning desire to share it with others now. It has been about…

We Need More Patience

In this flip-switch, microwave world we live in, patience is sometimes hard to find. Even as Christ-followers, we can become impatient even in ministry and life. It’s almost like our world has caused us to become used to being in a hurry. Think about it for a second… Twelve hour shifts Microwave meals or fast…

Waging War on Technology

As a mom, I feel like I’m constantly fighting a war between the virtual and real worlds, especially on behalf of my kids. Am I the only one that is concerned that we might be setting our kids up for some real issues in the future? I realize this is our new normal so to…